24 slot cooler motor winding data Full Rewinding 36 slot cooler motor (24 Slot_1440RPM) In this post we have to describe 3 Speed cooler motor winding data coil turns full information by electricals trendz.
कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग डाटा एक महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी है जो कूलर मोटर को सही तरीके से रिवाइंड करने में मदद करती है। इस डाटा में मोटर के स्लॉट की संख्या, वाइंडिंग पैटर्न, वायर गेज, और कनेक्शन डायग्राम जैसी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी शामिल होती है।
24 स्लॉट कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग एक आम प्रकार का कूलर मोटर है, और इसके लिए कई तरह के वाइंडिंग पैटर्न उपलब्ध हैं। इन पैटर्न में सिंगल स्पीड, थ्री स्पीड, और हाई स्पीड मोटर शामिल हैं।
कूलर मोटर को रिवाइंड करते समय, यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि सही वाइंडिंग डाटा का उपयोग किया जाए। गलत डाटा का उपयोग करने से मोटर खराब हो सकती है या सही तरीके से काम नहीं कर सकती है।
Topics Cover In This Post
24 Slot Single Speed cooler motor winding data
Cooler motor winding are essential components that drive the fan and pump in air coolers. Data on cooler motor windings, such as those for 24-slot motors or 1-inch motors, can be crucial for repair and maintenance. Understanding the winding patterns and copper specifications is vital for ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.
Additionally, data on high-speed cooler motor winding, like those used in Symphony coolers, can be particularly helpful for those seeking to boost cooling capacity. Whether you’re a technician, hobbyist, or simply curious, having access to comprehensive cooler motor winding data, including information in Hindi, can be invaluable.
Running Winding Data
- Slot=24
- Rpm = 1400
- Volts = 220v
- Pole = 4 Pole
- Capacitor = 4 Mfd
- Core Length = 1 Inch
- inner diameter == 3″
- outer diameter ==5″
Cooler Motor Running Winding Data
- Running pitch = 1-4 & 1-6
- Running Winding Coil Turn = 150 300
- Running Winding Wire No = 29 No
- Motor Winding Wire Type = Copper Wire
Coil Pitch | Coil Turn | Coil Layer | Wire Number | Coil Size | Slot |
1- 4 | 150 | 1 Round | 29 Number Copper Wire | 25 INCH | 24 Slot |
1-6 | 300 | 2 Round | 29 Number Copper Wire | 25 Inch | 24 Slot |
Starting Winding Data.
- Starting Coil pitch = 1-4 & 1-6
- Starting Turn = 155 =310
- Starting Wire No =33 No Copper
Coil Pitch | Coil Turn | Coil Layer | Wire Number | Coil Size | Slots |
1-4 | 165 | 1 Round | 33 Number Copper Wire | 25 INCH | 24 Slot |
1-6 | 330 | 2 Round | 33 Number Copper Wire | 25 INCH | 24 Slot |
- Total running coils =4coils
- Total starting coils=4coils
- Coil Round 1-4 Pitch = Single Round
- Coil Round 1-6 Pitch = Double Round
24-slot cooler motor winding Connection Diagram.
The 24-slot cooler motor winding connection diagram provides a detailed layout for wiring a cooler motor, which is essential for ensuring proper functionality. Understanding the Cooler motor connection, including the 3-speed cooler motor connection and the 4-wire cooler motor connection, is crucial for proper operation.
The cooler wiring connection involves several components, such as the cooler motor wiring and the cooler rotary switch connection. For multi-speed models, the cooler motor connection diagram helps with the multi-speed cooler motor connection with the switch. Additionally, the plastic cooler wiring diagram and the cooler regulator connection are also vital for efficient air cooler connection and performance.
A 24-slot cooler motor typically uses a single-phase winding with two poles. The winding consists of main and auxiliary windings distributed across the slots. Each coil spans 1–10 slots (short-pitched for efficiency), and the auxiliary winding is connected through a capacitor for starting.
For three-phase motors, the winding uses a 4-pole configuration, with slots divided equally among the three phases, each phase occupying every third slot in a repeating sequence (e.g., 1, 4, 7 for phase A). Wire gauge and turns per coil depend on the motor’s voltage and current requirements, with insulation and varnish ensuring durability.
24 Slot Aluminum Winding Data
24-slot cooler motor winding Connection Diagram
What is a cooler motor winding?
Cooler motor winding refers to the coils of insulated wire wound around the motor core, creating a magnetic field when current flows through them, enabling the motor to operate.
How many slots are common in cooler motor winding?
Most of the Cooler motors, like 24-slot motors, are designed for multi-speed functionality with distinct winding configurations.
What wire gauge is used for winding?
The wire gauge for cooler motor winding typically ranges between SWG 28 and up to SWG 99, depending on the motor’s Slot, Stamping and power rating.
What is a cooler motor connection diagram?
It’s a schematic showing how the wires of a cooler motor connect to the power supply, speed regulator, and switches.