Ceiling Fan Stater Rewinding | Ceiling Fan Coil Winding Data | Ceiling Fan Winding Machine

ceiling fan rewinding

in this post we have share some ceiling fan stator rewinding experience. ceiling fan stator mostly rewind by itโ€™s rewinding machine. different stator rewind by different size of itโ€™s firma and machine s die. mostly ceiling fan stator comes with 12+12 slot, 16+16 slot, 14+14 slots.

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14+14 slots ceiling fansmostly made by local made companies in India. and 12+12 slots ceiling fan mostly made by like Bajaj, Havelโ€™s , Crompton , pollycap, luminous and many other famous brands in India.

The 16 slots ceiling fan made first of all by ORIENT FAN . and then some models comes by Usha fans like Usha diplomat is well build by 16 slots. 16 slots ceiling fans is more reliable than 12 slots and. 14 slots. but itโ€™s not famous bcz itโ€™s rewinding is more tuff than 12 slots and 16 slots ceiling fans. so itโ€™s not recommend by any macanic. but no doubt itโ€™s working smoothly and weโ€™ll perfectly.


16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

  • SLOTS =16+16 = 32
  • RUNNING SWG = 36

12 slot ceiling fan winding video.

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